Besides all the other things I like doing I also very much like to read. I don't usually have enough reading time but have found since I started working out at a gym I read every day. I just finished East of the Sun today. After a long spell of books I did not enjoy it was finally nice to blow through a book and really like it at the end.
East of the Sun is set in 1928. The story follows Viva Holloway, a chaperone to three young people traveling to India. The book is about so many things but most importantly friendship, love and family.
My favorite thing about this book is that it is very British...with super funny English phrases throughout. While reading all 587 pages in this book I kept cracking myself up by inserting funny English sayings into my every day life. My family and friends were getting annoyed with me by the end. They can be beasts I tell you wretched beasts!! haha
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