Sunday, August 9, 2009

Work in Progress

I have been working on this monster turntable for-EVER... Just last week I snapped the first photo below. Back on the shelf it went...

Today I was able to make the progress below... This design/execution has been one of the most frustrating projects I think I have ever started. It has probably been around 6 months that I have been working on it on and off. I think I am in the home stretch now though. The body is made of very firm foam.

When I was a little kid I had an obsession with monsters... I had this notebook that I would draw all kinds of monsters in. The only running theme was they were every day objects as monsters. There were pencil monsters, chair monsters, rug monsters, etc. This is the first monster-object I have ever made in plush form. Aside from being very very frustrating I think I would like to make more in the future.

In case the pictures aren't very clear the dude is "playing" himself or his eyeballs to be technical. He only has one arm so far. The arms were what have been so frustrating. I think I have made three different sets out of several different fabrics. I finally purchased this grey fur last weekend while visting my pal in Portland...and I am finally satisfied with the outcome.

The turntables themselves were made and remade about the same amount of times I think. I couldn't get them right and I kept having to run to the store to get a new color since one was one color green and the other was a shade off.

What do you think?

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